Client Success: How PBIC helped a homeless client with accommodation
A client came to PBIC and told us that he has been evicted from his landlord. The client was very stressed and upset. That was the first time in his life that he faced homelessness which is a very traumatising experience.
He was in rent areas. He was renting a big 4-bedroom house with his friend. They were renting two spare rooms for other people. Because the client lost his job and people who were renting two other rooms didn’t pay for them, he lost his accommodation. Landlord didn’t provide the client with notice, just simply throwing his staff outside. The client decided to move to a tent in a wood area. He told us that he didn’t know where to go and how to get out of this situation. He had no money or friends with whom he could stay at.
Our staff has done the Duty of Referral and his details have been sent to the Outreach workers. A client has been found and placed at one of the Hotels in Bedford. The client was very happy to have a safe and warm place to sleep. The few days when he was in the tent there were very cold. Our PBIC homeless support workers regularly check his well-being to see how he is coping with this very difficult situation. The client’s key worker supported him with the Universal Credit application which gave him a bit more financial stability. The client well engaged with his key worker and become more confident and positive about his future.
After being at the hotel for a few weeks client has been referred to a few housing providers and attended a few assessments. After a few days, he has been accepted by one of the housing providers with floating support. A client got a nice, warm and clean room, where he can stay until he is able to move on. We are not leaving our clients after they move on, but still, we are here for them to provide help and support when they need it. This is a very positive and successful story of a person lost and hopeless in a very difficult and traumatising situation. We are here for people who don’t know where to go and what to do.
by Kaja, PBIC Homeless Support Worker