Crisis in Ukraine
As we are witnessing a humanitarian crisis on an enormous scale unfolding in Eastern Europe, we are eager to offer support. The people caught up in this conflict must be supported and protected. There are a number of organisations providing humanitarian relief and appeals, here are a few links below:
- The Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal https://donation.dec.org.uk/ukraine-humanitarian-appeal (The UK Government will match public donations to this appeal pound-for-pound up to £25 million)
- Polish Red Cross, help for Ukraine https://pck.pl/na-pomoc-ukrainie/
- British Red Cross, Ukraine Crisis Appeal https://tinyurl.com/4fa6wu65
Many Bedford based organisations including Stacja Dom Polski on Ashburnham Rd and Polish Parish in Bedford are involved in collecting warm clothing, sanitary items, blankets etc and if you are interested in donating such items then please contact the above organisations directly.
Meanwhile at PBIC in direct response to the Ukraine Crisis we are offering a direct link to our Listening Service Support Worker to help those in the UK.
We believe that many people are being affected by seeing and hearing what is happening in Ukraine and the displacement of so many into neighbouring countries; so, if you or anyone you know is feeling particularly worried, sad, angry or upset – please, don’t hesitate to contact us.
We can offer free of charge one-to-one sessions as well as group support. You would be able to express your feelings and talk about yourself, your family members or any friends that you are worrying about in a kind, friendly, and supportive atmosphere. Everything you share with us will be kept confidential.
Your emotional health is very important, as it is a crucial part of your wellbeing.
Talking about problems and feelings might not seem like a solution, but it is proven to be one of the best ways to start feeling more calm, relaxed and closer to yourself.
If you feel you might benefit from talking with our listening service specialist, please make an appointment by texting Iwona Nowakowska on 07769473119