New social activities at PBIC
As part of a new project coordinated by Bedford Borough Council under ESOL for Integration Fund Programme, PBIC will be delivering a number of social activities sessions in the next 6 months.
One of them is going to be set around positive parenting strategies and run by Triple P and ESOL teacher.
The participants will be involved in a discussion group talking challenges of parenting in the difficult post Covid climate. Triple P language including some specific vocabulary will be introduced.
After 6 weeks parents will have an option of moving into a full Triple P program.
TRIPLE P Positive Parenting Program gives parents simple and practical strategies to help them confidently manage their children’s behaviour, prevent problems developing and build strong, healthy relationships. It is aimed at families with children aged 3 to 16 years.
One of the Triple P participants says: “ Sometimes there are obvious solutions which we forget about. Triple P opens us up for rediscovering those. A good program which also highlight that as parents we also need to find time to focus on ourselves”
If you would like to book a place please call PBIC on 01234 328 100 or email us on