The Ukrainian ESOL Summer Hub Award Ceremony was held on 8th December 2022

The Ukrainian ESOL Summer Hub Award Ceremony was held on 8th December 2022

The Ukrainian ESOL Summer Hub Award Ceremony was held on 8th December 2022

Supported by PBIC, Bedford Borough Council and Bedford College.

As a part of the Ukrainian Guests Project and support program of the Ukrainian community in Bedford, together with Bedford College and the ESOL team of Bedford Borough Council, PBIC has organised the Diploma Award Ceremony for Ukrainian ESOL Summer hub students. The event took place on 8th of December in Council Chamber.

Since their arrival in Bedfordshire, mostly all Ukrainian Guests expressed their desire and willingness to learn English. Mags Brady, CEO of PBIC had initiated the discussion on the possibility of providing them with the ESOL courses ASAP. Almost 100 potential students have completed the assessment. Karike de Klerk, Head of Adult English, Maths and ESOL at Bedford College kindly agreed to take over the organisation and deliver the special unplanned Summer ESOL Hub course for more than 80 attendees with different levels of English.

69 Ukrainian students successfully completed the course. We were happy to greet them in Bedford Borough Council at the Council Chamber and to provide them with the AQA Certificates. Special thanks to Karike de Klerk and Lila Begum for their help in organising this event.

Lady Jane Clifford, High Sheriff of Bedfordshire was so kind to attend the Award Ceremony, deliver the speech and personally handle all AQA Certificates to every student. Mags Brady, PBIC’s CEO also delivered the speech and highlighted that the learning success and personal progress of our clients is a special honour for PBIC because it reflects our mission of “Helping migrants settle, achieve and contribute”.  The representation of Bedford Borough Council and Bedford College senior management, teachers of Ukrainian ESOL Summer Hub have also attended this event. 

There were several touching impromptu speeches from students with words of gratitude to PBIC, Bedford College, British people and Great Britain for their help, support, and opportunity for development in a foreign country and the successful experience of learning. It was a great opportunity to gather for celebrating achievements, networking, and socialising.

We are happy to see how the Ukrainian Bedford community is growing and developing.

Please see more photos from the event following the link.