Category Archives for PBIC Projects

Universal Credit rule changing came this week

Universal Credit rule changing came this week

Tougher new work search rules for those claiming Universal Credit came into force this week. The government is launching a new “intensive work search” scheme. There will also be changes to the Administration Earnings Threshold (AET) for those claiming…
PBIC Equality and Diversity Policy

PBIC Equality and Diversity Policy

PBIC is committed to providing a supportive and inclusive culture for: all those who need our services our volunteers our staff and other stakeholders. We recognise the positive value of diversity, promoting equality and fairness,…
Listening Service Invitation

Listening Service Invitation

In his book “The Road Less Travelled – A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth”, Dr Morgan Scott Peck states “True listening is love in action”. We all carry our own personal…
PBIC @ Bedford Running Festival 2022

PBIC @ Bedford Running Festival 2022

Planning on taking part in Bedford Running Festival 2022? Support PBIC as the charity of your choice! On the 2nd & 4th September 2022 we’ll be at the Bedford Running festival and we’d love it…


In February of 2022 PBIC expanded their ESOL provision to encompass social activities.  This is an important part of learning English as a second language (ESL), because when you practice speaking English in a group,…
Coordinating Support for Ukrainian Refugees temporarily living in Bedford Borough

Coordinating Support for Ukrainian Refugees temporarily living in Bedford Borough

We are pleased to announce that PBIC is working closely with The Harpur Trust and Bedford Borough Council to coordinate care and support for guests from Ukraine arriving in Bedford. The Harpur Trust and Bedford Borough…
Help and support to deal with Covid-19

Help and support to deal with Covid-19

Here in PBIC we are very aware of the difficulties and issues people have faced (and continue to face) because of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Crisis in Ukraine

Crisis in Ukraine

As we are witnessing a humanitarian crisis on an enormous scale unfolding in Eastern Europe, we are eager to offer support.

New social activities at PBIC

As part of a new project coordinated by Bedford Borough Council under ESOL for Integration Fund Programme PBIC will be delivering a number of social activities sessions in the next 6 months........
Learning Administrator (contract)

Learning Administrator (contract)

About PBIC We support migrants to settle achieve and contribute in the UK. Our services aim to empower and encourage individuals to become independent, allowing them to take ownership of their issues, understand their rights…